The 3 Destiny Paths
The Heaven, Earth, and Human paths are representations of different time periods of one’s life.
The Heaven Path is a reflection of your innate personality. These are the early childhood years where one learns from their parents, observes how the earth works, and uses the Yang Energy to develop the mind. This is the path of the Soul and contains properties of life’s mission and obstacles.
The Earth Path is a reflection of your earthly personality. This personality is developed after one attains maturity of the Heaven Path. These are the young adult years where one explores the Yin Energy of emotions or distractions. This is the path of the Body and contains properties of life’s talents and limitations.
The Human Path is a reflection of a middle-aged person who can more equally enzyme both the Yin (Body) and Yang (Soul) energies. This discovery of one’s self is not always attained, but when it is, the first cycle of life will be completed. The Human Path is also identified as the Heaven path of a person’s next life cycle.
The Twelve Chambers
The 360 degrees of the sky is divided into 12 equal sections, each representing a piece of the universe from our perspective on Earth. As it was observed by the ancient astrologers, different locations in the sky represent different aspects of your life, the things and people around you. The 12 divided sections contain these various life areas and are referred to as the Twelve Chambers.
The Life Chamber encompasses the totality of who you are. It reflects the entire spectrum of a person's makeup; their physical characteristics, personality, character, and personal preferences. The Stars that are located in this Chamber reveal your life path. This is the most important chamber when assessing an individual's chart under the age of thirty.
The Brotherhood Chamber shows the quality and strength of your personal support systems. These individuals could be your real siblings, co-workers, friends, or colleagues which display a close sibling like loyalty supporting your personal endeavors.
The Couple Chamber reflects the major romantic relationships in your life. It will reveal your prospects of marriage, the qualities of your ideal partner, and your expectations of a mate. It is a blueprint that maps out your romantic relationships throughout one's lifetime.
In ancient times people had offspring to ensure their security in old age. They studied the Junior Chamber to predict if their children will have good character and respect their parents. By looking at this chamber a person could also predict the chance of having a boy or a girl. The Junior Chamber also deals with one's parenting ability. It shows the effort you put into providing for your children, which will directly impact your relationship with them. In Zeus Sensor, Junior does not necessarily represent only children, but may also represent those who are younger than you and look up to you. These people could be other family members or subordinates.
The Asset Chamber is often misunderstood as being solely about income. It is widely interpreted that if one received a favorable reading from this chamber then they will be wealthy, but if it is less than ideal, then they will be financially challenged. However, this is a misconception. The Asset chamber shows your personally acquired wealth and the style of your money management. It actually deals with your attitude toward money and the methods of how you acquire wealth. It needs to be studied in conjunction with the Life Chamber because the Asset Chamber alone is not an adequate indicator of one's total financial picture.
On the surface, the Health Chamber reveals physical illnesses; these physical problems are mostly inherited. The Health Chamber also shows one's physical stamina. If a less than ideal sign appears in this chamber it is a general sign of poor health.
The Soul Chamber reflects your behavior and indicates how you interact socially. It shows whether a person is introverted or extroverted and the possibility of psychological issues. Unlike the Life Chamber that shows the whole spectrum of your personality, the Soul Chamber only shows the interior side of you, such as your behavior and other people's perception of you. If the Soul Chamber of a person is too weak then they will either have poor interpersonal skills or be perceived by others negatively. Oftentimes, they have to work harder to convey their thoughts, may be easily misunderstood, and not have many friends. The Soul Chamber is often incorrectly interpreted as only relating to traveling, relocating, or moving.
The Friendship Chamber represents everyone that works with or for you. They are the people who assist you such as partners, employees, or anyone who works under you. If this house is strong then you will have a competent and dependable staff to aid you at work.
The Career Chamber is important for people who work in any area of administration, planning, or inspection. This Chamber is pertinent to anyone who has a typical office job. If you work outside the office, however, then the Soul Chamber will be more significant. The Career Chamber reveals your working attitudes, methods, skills, and also displays your desire and ability to gain professional knowledge. It can also show your level of education and competence in test taking. You can use the Life Chamber to gain a greater understanding of your Career Chamber.
The Property Chamber is an indicator of your personal resources acquired from others. It can show inheritance, family fortune, and family relationships. If this chamber is strong in your chart then your family life and environment will be very stable. If, however, this chamber is weak and the Soul Chamber is strong, then you might leave the area of your family home to pursue your career.
The Contentment Chamber is as important as the Life Chamber especially for a woman. It reflects a person's level of satisfaction in both their material and spiritual life. It shows their general mental state, what type of interests or hobbies they enjoy, and how they distribute money. A person's character as well as the length of their lifespan is closely tied to this chamber. The Contentment Chamber becomes the most important when assessing an individual's chart in their senior years above approximately age 55.
The Parents Chamber is an important chamber regarding your personal luck at birth and throughout your lifetime. Your current outlook on life is closely related with how you were raised. This chamber shows the relationship with your parents. It also shows how your parents affected you and any benefits you may have gained from them.
The Self Chamber reflects what a person will become later in life. It falls within one of the twelve chambers and becomes the focus to determine the life path after the age of thirty. The chamber in which it falls then becomes a "dual" chamber.
Life and Self Chambers
When interpreting the Zeus Sensor it is particularly important to take note of two chambers, the Life Chamber and the Self Chamber. The Self Chamber is not actually one of the twelve chambers but is actually a thirteenth chamber that resides in one of the twelve. Both chambers are of equal importance and do not contradict each other. The Life Chamber is the most important chamber when assessing an individual's chart under the age of thirty. After the age of thirty, the ìdualî Self Chamber becomes of primary importance in determining the life path. Instead of looking at the Life Chamber the person would then focus on the Self Chamber for guidance.
The Five Elements Theory
According to Chinese metaphysics, all material substance in the universe is constituted of the five energetic building blocks: earth, metal, water, wood, and fire. These energies are also called the Five Elements, Five Phases, or Five energies. The Theory of the Five Elements is a concept developed in China over 4000 years ago. Over time the theory has influenced, or been the outright basis for many arts. Arts that have been influenced include Feng Shui, Chinese astrology, acupuncture, and general practice of Chinese medicine. Foods, objects, behaviors, and emotions can be categorized into the Five Elements.
In fact, the Five Elements gives one a paradigm that can be used for consistency between one's emotions, behaviors, and personality. They can also be described in the abstract sense as representations of the transformation that occurs in the world around us, as metaphors for describing how things interact, relate, process and change. Their levels of intensity fluctuate with the changes of time and each other. If Yin and Yang can be thought of as polar opposites, then the Five Elements is just a simple system of gears. As a result, this theory provides an excellent basis for a holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle.
The five elements themselves are taken both literally and metaphorically. The natural material substances of soil, metals, liquids, wood and combustion all represent their respective elements. However, since everything in existence is categorized as one of the five elements, it is not necessary for an object to be physically comprised of these materials. Knowing the representations of each element and how they interact, you can modify the objects around you to change the flow of energy to your benefit. Let us take a closer look at each element
Earth represents the root and the foundation, the environment where all things begin life and return to at the end. Earth supports and nurtures. Its strength is wisdom, natural instinct, sturdy balance and fairness. People of the Earth element are loyal, supportive, practical, steady, patient, persevering, dependable, dedicated and full of inner strength. Associations with the Earth element include the colors of yellow, orange and brown; squares and other squat, sturdy shapes; clay, brick, cement and stone.
Metal represents new direction, innovation, solidity, autumn, strength, and the ability to conduct and contain. People of the Metal element are firm, resolute, organized, independent, intuitive, serious and sometimes stubborn. Associations with the Metal element include the colors of white, silver and gold; round and dome-like shapes; all metallic objects and hardware.
Water represents communication, flow, the inner self, winter, and the ability to nurture and support. People of the Water element are persuasive and are adept in diplomacy, empathetic, intuitive, flexible and adaptive, artistic, sociable and sometimes sensitive. Associations with Water include the colors of blue and black, curvy and flowing shapes, all forms of liquids.
Wood represents actions, growth, expansion, education, spring, flexible strength and versatility. People of the Wood element are energetic, enthusiastic, outgoing, can take direction and turn it into action. Associations with Wood include the colors of green, turquoise and teal; tall, column-like shapes; trees and all plant life; wooden materials including paper.
Fire represents honour, fairness, aggression, action, summer, timing and execution. People of the Fire element are passionate, inspiring, action-oriented, innovative, humorous and sometimes impatient. Associations with Fire include the colors of red, pink and purple; triangles and spire shapes; light, warmth, and all sources of fire and heat.
Yin and Yang
The Five Elements also separate into Yin or Yang.
The ancient Chinese have observed that everything in existence has polar opposites or two extremities. These are interdependent and cannot exist without each other. They are interrelated and intertwined. Yet nothing is completely pure so at their extremities the opposites still contain some trace of the other. This seemingly simple yet highly complex concept is called Yin and Yang. The dualities of things such as light and dark, positive and negative, high and low are just some of the physicial manifestations of Yin and Yang. Both are equally important and necessary, very much unlike the concept of good and evil where good champions all.
This Taiji symbol is the graphic depiction of Yin (black) and Yang (white), constantly in motion. Within Yin there is Yang and vice versa.
All things soft, passive, yielding, slow, cold, dark; and is associated with water, the earth, the moon, night time and femininity is what represents Yin.
On the other hand, all things hard, aggresive, focused, fast, hot, bright; and is associated with fire, the sky, the sun, daytime and masculinity is what represents Yang.
Glossary Of Terms
Life Chart
Also known as the Heaven Chart, this chart is determined at birth and is used to forecast one’s overall fate. A person’s entire life can be summarized by using this all-encompassing chart.
Annual Chart
This chart is calculated based on yearly parameters to determine one’s annual forecast. This is used to take a closer look into a specific year of a person’s life, particularly when searching for major life events (marriage, purchase of a new home, etc…) Inspect your Annual Charts year after year and you will be able to see the clockwise movement of the 12 chamber locations each year.
Monthly Chart
This chart is calculated based on monthly parameters to determine one’s monthly forecast for an even more up close and personal look into each month of the calendar year. This chart is used to search for significant events that could be expected within the year, such as indications of travel, adjustments in career, health related issues, etc…
Daily Chart
This chart is calculated based on daily parameters to determine the forecast of each day of a particular month. This is used to indicate events in our day to day lives and give an outlook of how we can better plan our week. Dodge small pitfalls and spot the ladders of opportunity.
Hourly Chart
This chart focuses on every individual hour of a particular day in our lifetime. This is used to indicate the influencing energies that shape our daily lives and affect every part of our agendas.
Primary Stars
These are stars that display a person's unique characteristics. Their combinations in the chambers indicate different pathways of life. They also reflect each person's basic attitudes toward the various areas of life.
6 Lucky Stars
These stars aid the Primary Stars. They will brighten even an ideal layout. When the lucky stars encounter Primary Stars that are in a weak position they can offset any adverse effects.
6 Initiative Stars
These are stars that bring obstruction or obstacles. The Initiative Stars bring different life challenges. Through these challenges a person's determination can be assessed.
Annual Stars
These stars only refer to events that will happen annually. The chambers that these stars land in each year are different.
Supportive Stars
These stars can enhance the power and strengthen the energy of the Primary Stars.
Revival Stars
These stars produce sudden changes or adjustments. However, the effects are temporary and short-lived.
Conditional Stars
These stars reflect the progression of the stages of life in each chamber. The Conditional Stars do not have a great deal of impact on a person's overall situation, but they are associated with the energy level of other stars.
4 Directional Stars
These four stars don't exist alone; they attach to and are dependent on other stars. These four Directional Stars reveal the most important issues that an individual faces in the current life.
Principle Life Star
This star reveals the interior nature of a person; their innate talents and abilities. It reflects everything that a person inherited from birth.
Principle Self Star
This star shows an individual's exterior characteristics and how they are viewed by others. It also relates to the person's life purpose.
Star Brightness
The Primary and Secondary Stars have different brightness levels. These stars can unleash strong and positive energies when they are bright. The energies wane when the stars become dimmer.
Decade Shift
This indicates the changes of psyche and focus that occurs every 10 years.
Annual Shift
This is the yearly course. It reflects a person's physical energy within the current year, or the changes within one's personality, emotions, and desires.
Activation Times
The time span above all the Chamber names indicates the time period when the energy of this chamber is most strongly felt within the annual, monthly, daily, or hourly charts. The ages below reflect years when events relating to the Stars within the Chambers may occur.
Related Chambers
Each chamber does not operate alone but rather co-operates with three other related chambers. When interpreting the stars of a chamber, one should also take into account the stars from the three other related chambers for an accurate forecast. This includes the concepts of nearby stars or stars in the vicinity. Related chambers consist of the chamber at the opposite end (180 degrees) and the two chambers at 120 degrees on either side. This structure can be thought of as a head, tail and a pair of wings. Another quick way to determine the wings is to count to the fourth chamber going clockwise and counter-clockwise.
In the below example, the Life chamber has the related chambers of Soul, Career and Asset. They are indicated by the shadowed boxes and connecting red lines in the middle cell.
This pattern of chambers is considered related because there are certain dynamics between their contents. It is more than mere geometric harmony. The chamber you analyze (the head) plus the two chambers at 120 degrees (the wings) form the shape of a triangle. These three chambers represent what you already have in your capacity. The opposing chamber at 180 degrees (the tail) represent what you could achieve or opportuniites you could look forward to. The tail is a Reflection of the head, in the above example Soul is a Reflection of Life.
These two figures illustrate the layout of the Related Chambers and identify the locations of the head, wings and tail.
Star Brightness
The Brightness level of a star indicates the strength of its influence on one’s life. The brightest stars will put forth their most positive qualities and outshine any dimmed or darkened stars in the vicinity. A chamber becomes strong and auspicious when it contains multiple stars of high brightness. As a star’s brightness lessens in intensity so does its ability to outshine any darker stars nearby. As a general rule: the darker the star, the less apparent is its level of influence. A star that is fully dark will not exert any positive influence and can actually lower the brightness intensity of nearby stars that aren’t as bright to begin with
Only the most influential stars may have brightness attributes (Primary, Lucky and Initiative stars). In Zeus Sensor there are 7 different levels.
Brilliant: Brightest and strongest.
Radiant: Bright and strong.
Bright: Fairly bright and moderate.
Clear: Clear but energies gradually weakens.
Dusk: Low brightness and already weakened.
Gloomy: Already dimmed and weakest.
Dark: Fully dark and no energies.
For example: A Brilliant Zeus could be interpreted as being the center of attention at a party, without a doubt. Whereas a Dark Zeus at a party could turn out to be quite the charismatic figure if only you would spend some time to get to know this person.
4 Directional Stars
The Four Directional Stars offers us a glimpse into our past, allows us to understand what is in store for us at present and what is to become in the future. They reflect the most important lessons an individual faces in the current life. As such, they are typically the first things you should search for when interpreting your Zeus Sensor Life Chart.
This indicates challenges or obstacles that need to be overcome in one’s lifetime, risks or disputes to be wary of. A star with the direction of Overcome will indicate what areas in life you need to keep a close eye on, not let it get in your way, and overcome the challenges that it may bring.
This indicates the gift of an enhanced flow of good luck and fortune. It symbolizes income or gain, typically in terms of wealth or earthly possessions. A star with the direction of Gift will typically indicate where and in what manner you will receive your good luck and fortun
This indicates having the power of choice, authority and leadership. A star with the direction of Choice will indicate where you will have most strength and freedom to succeed
This indicates recognition of your life’s work or mission, having fame and reputation. A star with the direction of Mission will indicate the manner of work you will dedicate yourself to, what will be your legacy.
The Directional Stars do not exert influence on their own but rather are dependent on other stars. They operate in conjunction with the Primary, Lucky and Initiative stars and can reside in any of the twelve chambers. Any star that has a Directional attribute will have greater meaning and influence on your life. As such, the effect of the Directional attributes will differ depending on what stars they are attached to and in which chambers they reside.
It’s important to mention that the Directional Stars will change for each year of your life when viewing specific annual charts, as each year will bring different challenges and rewards.